Established in 1944, Airmatic Inc. is a Malvern, Pennsylvania, company with a well-established track record of supplying the American bulk materials handling industry with quality machinery and equipment. Airmatic Inc. also has undertaken a number of complex projects for clients ranging from power plants to pulp and paper operations.
In one high-profile assignment, Airmatic Inc. engaged with a plant that primarily produces paper and uses coal in generating energy for operations. A key issue experienced by the manufacturer involved turbulent air at the transfer point between the coal crusher and conveyor, with airborne dust being blown out at pressure and covering nearby areas.
Each day, powdery dust covered paper mill surfaces ranging from railings to the floor. The dust needed to be swept up and removed by wheelbarrow. In addition, maintenance issues with the conveyor were occurring, and the skirt experienced rapid wear.
Airmatic’s solution involved installing a variety of Martin Engineering conveyor products, including a belt support system and belt-tracking devices. In addition, advanced wearliners and self-adjusting skirting were set in place and a high-volume dust settling zone with curtains was established. The end result was an increase in efficiency, cleanliness, and worker morale at the plant.